Screen Resolution Checker
1280 × 720
Physical Screen Resolution
Screen Properties
Device Pixel Ratio1x
Color Depth24 bits
Pixel Depth24 bits
Aspect Ratio16:9
Viewport Information
Viewport Width1280px
Viewport Height720px
Common Device Sizes
Desktop Breakpoints
1920×1080 (Full HD)
2560×1440 (2K QHD)
3840×2160 (4K UHD)
Mobile Breakpoints
375×667 (iPhone SE)
390×844 (iPhone 12/13/14)
412×915 (Samsung S21/S22)
Resize your browser window to see the viewport dimensions update in real-time.
About Screen Resolution
Screen resolution refers to the number of pixels displayed on your screen, expressed as width × height (e.g., 1920×1080). Higher resolutions mean more detail but may require scaling for readability.
Key Terms:
- Device Pixel Ratio (DPR): The ratio between physical pixels and CSS pixels. A DPR of 2 means each CSS pixel is represented by 4 physical pixels.
- Viewport: The visible area of a webpage in your browser window, which may be smaller than the full screen resolution.
- Color Depth: The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel, affecting the range of possible colors.